Sheffield Biking
These pages do not represent either or any of the Sheffield Bikers, any related website, or any relation to any person or persons who are associated in any way with the
'Sheffield Biking' group. Nor does it intend to be.
It is however a record of some of the ride-outs completed by some of the members which are available to other members to download as GPX files. They are not to be used other than for reference and recreational purposes.
The GPX files are free and available for download and personal use. They can be verified at the time of creation.
However, if used, they cannot guarantee rights of way or accuracy... use them as guides only.
These pages do not represent either or any of the Sheffield Bikers, any related website, or any relation to any person or persons who are associated in any way with the
'Sheffield Biking' group. Nor does it intend to be.
It is however a record of some of the ride-outs completed by some of the members which are available to other members to download as GPX files. They are not to be used other than for reference and recreational purposes.
The GPX files are free and available for download and personal use. They can be verified at the time of creation.
However, if used, they cannot guarantee rights of way or accuracy... use them as guides only.